Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Mom and Pop Home Candle Business

“Mom & Pop Home Candle Business”

We have all heard of “Mom & Pop” businesses. They are generally small family owned establishments with few or no employees that aren't family members. Mom and Pop grocery stores & cafes are (or were) fairly common. My grandparents owned a Mom & Pop Tourist Court (motel) in the 1940's & 50's. Across the street was a family owned drug store, where Pop was the druggist, Mom ran the cash register & their sons manned the soda fountain. They knew most of their customers by name and it wasn't uncommon to score a free soda or piece of candy once in a while “just for stopping in”.

Unfortunately, a lot of these friendly small business were forced to close with the emergence of Holiday Inns, Wal-Marts, & the rest of the “Big Chains”. Some of these Mom & Pop operations had been doing business for generations. As they disappeared, so did the familiarity between customers and owners. Gone was the feeling that your business was appreciated as was the one on one customer service.

So what if I told you that you could have a Mom & Pop Home Candle business? The candle industry is a $2 Billion industry and growing. Candles are a consumable product (high reorder rate) and are popular for both personal use and gift giving. Retired couples, young couples starting out, and couples in college looking for a way to earn extra income, are just a few examples of who could build a successful candle business from home.

This business has a low start-up cost (less than $50) and is YOUR business to operate as you wish. You set your prices based on what your profit goals are. You have three ways to earn income:

Retail, Fund Raising & Residual.

Retail includes friends, family, co-workers, craft shows & expos, spas, salons, & life styling. (a fancy way of saying “talk to everybody about your business”).

Fund Raising is a year round way to earn. Sports teams, church groups, school clubs, day care centers, animal shelters and more are always looking for easy ways to raise money.

Residual Income is the best way to establish long term income. Build a team and earn commissions on your team member's sales. We offer commissions 6 levels deep. 10% on level 1 and 6 and 5% on levels 2 through 5.

By working with your spouse, partner or significant other you can pool your talents and strong points. Maybe one of you is more outgoing and likes to talk to people while the other one is more comfortable working the business online. And before you say it: YES men CAN sell candles! We have many extremely successful men in our company including the three founders.

This is a great opportunity to build a business from the comfort of your own home, on your own schedule, and be able to spend time and have fun with that special someone.

Visit www.texasscents.scent-team.com and


for more details.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


We are all being affected by the economic upheaval taking place in this country one way or the other. We are all experiencing job insecurity, job loss, rising food and medical costs all the while watching our homes decline in value and our life savings grow smaller by the day. Most of these issues are out of our control, but the way we handle them are well within our control. We can sit around waiting for the next shoe to drop and hope the government pulls a rabbit out of it's hat and saves us all, OR we can take action and start bailing ourselves out of this mess.

Many people are taking second and, sometimes, third jobs to make ends meet. That is if they still have a first job. I wonder what would happen if these people and anyone else would consider a home based business as a way to earn additional income. Now before you roll your eyes and start mumbling words like “scam”, “pyramid”, and B.S., open your mind and consider the facts.

Fact # 1 There are many, many legitimate home based businesses out there. In fact, I bet you have products in your home that you have bought from someone with a home based business.

Fact #2 You have to research the company. How long have they been in business, what are their compensation plans, what are their rules for marketing the products, how many ways can you market the products, are the products consumable (important for repeat business), what are the minimums in terms of sales quotas and orders, is the business willable ( can your heirs inherit it), how do you “quit” if you decide to. All of these questions need to be answered BEFORE you consider any home based company. Do a Google search and look at what other people say about the business, both consumers and representatives.

Fact #3 You must use and believe in the product you are representing.

Fact #4 You must treat a home based business as a business. You have to actually DO something to make it successful. You can't devote an hour a month and expect it to grow and thrive. This is where the saying “You reap what you sow” has never been truer. You have to be ready to do whatever it takes to grow your business so that you can reap the rewards. However, one of the best things about having a home based business is that it does allow you to be flexible with your schedule, so an afternoon going to the movies with your kids is definitely doable!

My home based business had all of the right answers. I love and use the products, so telling others about how great they are is easy. The compensation plan is one of the most generous in the home based business industry. The cost is $39.95 per month and includes products and company website. That is all I am required to spend. Retail value of the products is a little more than $60. If that is all I spent and sold just those products, my business would be profitable. But that would be silly. Considering that my profit potential as a distributor is 100% for the 16 oz Jars, and as much as 200% for the Votive candles, why not sell as many as possible? By taking prepaid orders, the customers are paying for the product and the rest goes into MY pocket.

I am not a sales person, all I do is talk to people and let them know I have a product they are going to love. I offer them a business card and sample scent and let “nature take it's course”.

If you are looking to possibly improve your financial situation and are willing to invest very little money and some good old fashioned time and effort, visit my website or contact me. All the details are there and I promise I will help you be successful.
