Friday, July 11, 2008

Have You Ever?

Have you ever wanted to have your own business?

Work your own schedule?
Be able to take 2 hours in the middle of the day to do something unexpected and fun with your kids?
Have a business that is worked around your family instead of your family working around your job?

You probably also thought that it wasn't possible.


I am an Independent Distributor For Mia Bella's Gourmet Candles and I am doing all of those things and more. I'm not going to insult your intelligence by telling you that I am making thousands of dollars a week, because I'm not. What I am doing is selling a product that I love and use, talking to people about my business, helping organizations raise money, and offering people an honest way to improve their lives.


Who do you know that burns scented candles? For every 1 person you know, they probably know 5 and those 5 people know 5 people and on and on. Of course that doesn't mean every one of those people will buy something, but that's a pretty good starting point. For every 16oz. Jar Candle sold, your profit is at least 50%. For every 2.5 oz votive candle sold, your profit is at least 50%. I say "at least", because the profit is based strictly on how much you want to charge for the candles.


Do you know people who are in school, play sports, take dance lessons, sing in the church choir,
loves animals, or are involved in any group that occasionally needs to raise money? Simply show them your product and explain that they can earn $5 to $6 per candle. You also make a profit and don't have to do any selling. Just think about what a great way this is to get your candles out to a large number of people!

Those are just 2 of the ways to earn money by being a Mia Bella distributor. If you use both or just one, you will be earning extra income. Extra income that can be used to take a vacation, buy that something special for the house or save for a rainy day. By investing a few hours a week, you will be amazed at how your business will grow! I am.